Sunday, January 22, 2017

Worldbuilding Criteria

                               In light of the overwhelming support for a World Building rank list I will finish what I began so long ago. Before I do so I think it would only be fair to make a transparent criteria so everybody knows what to expect and how these continents will be judged. First, let’s list out the continents that will be reviewed:

  • Archanea
  • Valencia
  • Jugdral
  • Elibe
  • Magvel
  • Tellius
  • Ylisse / Valm
  • Fateslandia

                              The world of Awakening is different from Archanea even if Awakening’s world are the descendants of the world of Archanea. Their worlds are completely different from each other so here I’m going to be treating them differently. I’m adding Valm to Ylisse because they’re both in the same game.

                               Alright so here is the criteria and here are the number of points that I’m assigning to each:

  1. Historical Lore - 10 points              

            “How did this world come to be? How many years of history does this continent have? What’s the backstory to this world?”

  1. Politics - 10 points

            “What are the political ties between each nation? How well developed are the motivations behind the conflict between the nations? What kind of relationships do the various noblemen and politicians have with one another? The more complex the politics and the more upheavals the better.”

  1. Family Tree / Relationships - 10 points

                “How well developed are the family relationships? How interconnected are the relationships between characters?”

  1. Nation Development & Geography - 10 points

                            “How many characteristics do these nations have? What’s their geography like? How did these nations come into being? What do we know about their societies? The more details the better. Also, the more consistent a continent is about giving out details about each and every nation the better. Also, any type of geography or named location that doesn't belong to a specific nation will be examined. Once again, the more the merrier.”


  1. Magic Critters - 10 points

                    “Fantasy universes are often known for having new kinds of creatures that inhabit them. Here’s a list of examples for “magic critters”:
  • Shapeshifters
  • Undead creatures
  • Monsters
                            Another crucial element is how well integrated into the plot they are. Are these critters simply there or do they play an important role in the story? The more important they are the better. Pegasi and wyverns count, but they don’t count for much since pretty much all the games have them.

   Miscellaneous Categories
  • Connections to Other Worlds - 5 points
                                “Interconnectedness often adds to a particular world and helps to establish a universe. The more references the better. Ideally these should come from the games themselves, but they don’t have to. Any kind of material outside of the games (like FE Wiki for example) count.  

  • Presence of Female Rulers - 5 points
                  “I personally feel like a world feels more diverse if there are more different kinds of people who have major or active roles here. In order to qualify a female character has to do more than simply have a title. They either need to be shown having responsibilities or they need to be the sole ruler of said country, even if its only for a brief period of time.”

                             I will also have a negative miscellaneous category set up for any continent that makes what I consider a serious world building mistake.  
                    Feel free to ask questions about specifics or details. I should also note the scoring system here to give you an idea of how this will work.

5 / 5 OR 10 / 10 does not mean perfect or flawless. It means that this continent is the best at this particular category.

0 / 10  does not mean that it sucks. It means that this particular continent either doesn’t have this category or has so little of it that it may as well not exist.      

                               I won’t begin the rankings until I’ve figured out the scores for all the continents. I will start from the continent with the worst world building to the continent with the best worldbuilding.


  1. > Presence of Female Rulers - 5 points

    Seriously? I know diversity is good and all but...don't you think adding a category like that would put many games in a disadvantage? It's an unnecesary category, just because they have female rulers it doesn't make the game any less sexist if that's what your concern is.

    1. It's a category that's worth 5 points. 5 points is worth half the points of the major categories. It's like extra credit towards your grade. You don't get punished for not doing it but if you do it then you get a minor reward.

      Also, sexism was not what I was thinking about at all when I made that post. Diversity helps to give extra spice and flavor to a world hence the inclusion here.

    2. I see.
      It makes sense when you put it like that, I still find that criteria dubious honestly.

      Because, why would a nation deserve an extra points for having a female ruler? In the FE world this is not really a big deal, unless the game explicity tells you it is a big deal (Which I can't really remember a situation like this out of the top of my head).

      I can't recall female leaders in FE getting problems for their gender, they get problems because of their inexperience, political turmoil at the moment, corruption....but not because they're women.
      So really there is no need for diversity because within their own universe, this is not a BIG issue, sure there are characters that still have that mentlaity, but it doesn't come out of a sense that women are useless or incapable of rulling, it comes out of a sense of simply wanting them to be safe.

      FE already has the diversity you ask for, the lack of female rules is not really an issue of the universe.

    3. All male rulers is sexist, and is beneath the series when the very first Fire Emblem had freaking Nina and Minerva, and arguably Sheeda and Ellis as well.
