Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Greatest Cavalier in Fire Emblem History - Seth

                 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Seth. Seth Emblem - The Sacred Seth. Fire Emblem 8 - Seth's Playground. Is anybody surprised that Seth is # 1? No? Well me neither. By now, Seth's ridiculousness is legendary. Seth is all you need to beat Fire Emblem 8. I guess Eirika and Ephraim exist for the sole purpose of seizing (and the story) but for the most part Seth will dominate Fire Emblem 8 and nobody is anywhere near close to how good he is.

                Seth will be in every chapter except one (I believe it's Ephraim first chapter in the game) so he's basically around forever. He starts the game with an A rank in swords and lances so he's using everything that isn't Regalia, although he'll be your first unit to use regalia due to his awesome weapon ranks. Seth murders 90 + percent of all enemies in the game with a javelin. A freaking javelin. It's also scary just how many mooks he can slaughter with an iron weapon as well. Also, the best units in our entire army don't even catch up to Seth's level without ridiculous amounts of favoritism or resources / turns. "Ephraim needs to be Lv14 on average to match Seth's str/def bases, and Franz doesn't hit Seth's str/def until Lv19, and needs to be Lv10 on average to match Seth's spd base." (Smiley Jim - Rate the Unit: Seth -

              Heck, even in the endgame Seth is still your best unit (arguably). Here's a list of endgame stats that helps prove my point:

           "Moreover, even in more "typical" playthroughs where Seth is not used for every task, Seth is still very adequate in terms of late-game stats:

Level 15 Seth B Franz
42.6 HP 21+2 STR 19.3 SKL 18.3 SPD 16.5 LUK 16.6+2 DEF 12.2+2 RES

Level 10 Franz B Seth
44.4 HP 19.2+2 STR 17.2 SKL 22 SPD 13.2 LUK 15+2 DEF 7.6+2 RES

Level 10 Forde A Kyle
45.55 HP 17.2+1 STR 20.5 SKL 19.35 SPD 15.05 LUK 14.6+1 DEF 8.75+1 RES

Level 10 Kyle A Forde
48.6 HP 22+1 STR 16.6 SKL 17.6 SPD 10.8 LUK 17+1 DEF 6.8+1 RES

And for kicks and giggles:

Level 6 Gerik
49.5 HP 21.75 STR 21 SKL 19.5 SPD 12.5 LUK 17.25 DEF 9.75 RES

(All these numbers brought to you by Anouleth in the Rate the Unit: Seth thread -

            So basically Seth is still competitive in the late-game while he makes the early and mid game of Fire Emblem 8 his personal punching bag. The reason why he's able to do this is because his growths are fantastic!

HP - 90%
Str - 50%
Skl - 45%
Spd - 45%
Def - 40%
Res - 30 %
Luck - 25%
             Holy growths Batman! Those are some of the best growths in the entire game! Seth also supports some of your higher tiered units as well like Franz and Cormag while also supporting Eirika (an important unit that you'll have to use if you go on Eirika route) and Natasha so he has that going for him too.

                 "One more thing I want to mention about Seth is that he gets to abuse 3x Mt slayer weapons, unlike for example FE7 Marcus or FE9 Titania. And unlike FE6 Marcus, he gets to have good accuracy with them. So whenever not even Silver or Killer weapons do the trick, Seth has access to an extra trick up his sleeve." (Mekkah -

               I don't know what else there is to say about him. Seth is literally a textbook definition of a perfect unit. He has high movement, awesome availability, he's very durable, his growths are great and he slaughters everything without slowing down. If you don't give Seth a perfect score (10 / 10) then you get tarred and feathered. I'm just saying. Seth isn't just the greatest cavalier in Fire Emblem history, he's the second best unit in all Fire Emblem history. Seth is second only to Sigurd in terms of game-breaking awesomeness.


  1. S E T H

    Really, I can't say anything other than this, he's just that good. :D

  2. Might I say that Fredrick in Awakening was literally all I needed to beat the game? I just had to protect chrom with Sumia and Lene (my girl) with Freddy bear and wham end game.
