Sunday, July 4, 2021

Top 10 Underrated Musical Tracks in Fire Emblem Part 2

 # 6 - Roar of Dominion (Three Houses) - Blaine's Pick

The first thing I have to say about this track is "HOLY SHIT!" This theme plays at the end of Part 1 right on the heels of Edelgard declaring war on the Church of Seiros. Roar of Dominion is a powerful track that is dangerous, tragic, and epic in every regard. It's the perfect musical track that tells you everything you need to know about the battle of Garreg Mach. 

This battle will be painful. Students fight against students, and the ultimate clash of ideologies rages on. Will Edelgard be able to overthrow the corrupt Church of Seiros? Will Byleth, Dimitri, or Claude be able to bring peace to Fódlan? Find out next time on Three Houses Z.  This theme represents the ending of a happy era. Edelgard's attack on the Church of Seiros permanently changes the story of Three Houses. There's no going back after this, and this theme perfectly represents that change.

# 5 - When the Rush Comes (Holy War) - Gregory's Pick

Speaking of musical tracks that happen after massive plot twists, "When the Rush Comes" happens on the heels of the Massacre of Belhalla. Chapter 5 of Holy War is a gigantic gut punch that permanently changes the story. It's both shocking and heartbreaking....but the game's not over. In fact, we're only halfway through the story. Then this theme kicks in. All of a sudden, there's a feeling of hope. Arvis may have stabbed you in the back, but now it's payback time. Arvis may have created an empire, but now it's your turn to tear down. This theme represents hope and inspires the player to keep playing Holy War, and to right the wrongs caused by the bad guys. 

# 4 - What Lies at the End (Echoes) - My Pick

Whenever people talk about the soundtrack of Echoes there are two tracks that get brought up: Twilight of the Gods and Mila's Divine Protection. Both tracks are awesome, but their constant exposure often means that other awesome tracks get left behind. What Lies At the End has always been one of my favorite tracks in Echoes and I never see anyone talk about it. I've always loved this track. It's hopeful, heroic, triumphant, and it's a genuine feel-good track that inspires you to move on. Normally I keep the battle animations on for Echoes (at least when it's my turn) because I love the battle animations in this game. That all changes when this song plays, because I just want to experience this wonderful song while I'm wrecking face.

# 3 - Rally the Spirit (Path of Radiance) - Matthew's Pick

Rally the Spirit is the name of the track in Path of Radiance that plays during Ike's iconic speech, and after Ashnard's been defeated. I love how Ike's caught off guard when asked to give a speech, and when he gives his speech, it's blunt, to the point, and it's still epic.

 This theme will play again after you've beaten the game and retaken Crimea. It's the ultimate celebratory track. It plays as Ike and co. celebrate all the trials and hard fought struggles during the past events. You now get to sit back and watch everyone in the cast come up to Ike and say something. I think my favorite line goes to Kieran when he says, "Huzzah, nay a thousand huzzahs!" That line is so good.

Since Path of Radiance was my first Fire Emblem game, I can't help but remember the first time I beat this game in what feels like a different lifetime ago. I remember how triumphant and joyful I felt beating this new and exciting game. This theme definitely played a role in that feeling of triumph at beating this game.

Men of Crimea... Laguz of Tellius…Greil Mercenaries MOVE OUT!!!    

# 2 - Birth of a Holy Knight (Holy War) - Luna's Pick [and mine]

Why does this theme never get talked about? I'm serious. Even among people who enjoy Holy War's soundtrack, this theme never gets brought up. Why? It's so awesome! Birth of a Holy Knight is the track that does an amazing job at portraying knighthood, honor, and adventure. The feeling I get every time I hear this track is that I want to step outside my front door, and scream, 

It's the perfect theme to start this masterpiece of a game. It also reflects Sigurd's mindset: Adventure, honor, rescuing a damsel in distress. It's the ultimate knightly tale! 

This theme IS Sigurd's theme song. Even the title is a reference to Sigurd himself. According to Fire Emblem wiki, this is also Sigurd's epithet in Heroes. "Holy Knight" is also the term used for the paladin class. 

So yeah. Sigurd's theme is awesome.

The Most Underrated Track in the Franchise: Chasing Daybreak (Three Houses) - My Pick

Three Houses has a wonderful soundtrack. The positive to this is that you get to listen to a lot of great music. The flipside is that some tracks don't get as much attention as they deserve. Enter "Chasing Daybreak". I loved this track since the first moment that I heard it. This track screams epic! Whenever this song hits, you know that war is coming. This track is frequently associated with post-time skip Dimitri, and the association is warranted. This song channels his rage like no other. This song also does a great job of showing you just how bad things are for the Blue Lions...and also just how hard they need to fight to protect their homeland. This song gets me pumped for anything I'm about to do, and it deserves far more love than it gets. 

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