Saturday, July 25, 2015

Honorable Mention - Cordelia (Awakening)

                   So I wanted to start my Top 10 Pegasus Knights list with an honorable mention since there were so many good pegasus knights. Starting off with the honorable mention is Cordelia from Awakening. When evaluating Awakening characters there need to be some rules and parameters set up. For starters they are going to be based off of their performance on Hard Mode (unless you're Frederick who has already been evaluated), grinding and dlc will not be taken into effect and while reclassing is allowed it's assumed that you won't be doing a bunch of that. That being said, it's perfectly okay to talk about reclassing options and the skills that may ensue from that. Hopefully that makes things clear, if not feel free to ask me questions.

              It's difficult to get good information about Cordelia's gameplay performance. When most people talk about Cordelia, they usually talk about anything but her in-game performance. Cordelia joins her game in Chapter 7, after roughly half of the first generation has already shown up. She joins a little under-leveled for her join chapter and her base stats aren't as good as they should be. The good news is that Chapter 7 is still plenty early enough in the game to where she can take advantage of her good growths. Cordelia tends to gain more strength and defense than Sumia but less speed. Her magic growth isn't very good (20 % as Pegasus Knight, 30 % as dark mage and 35 % as a Sorcerer. Lame.) which is unfortunate for her considering that she has access to the Dark Flier and Sorcerer classes.The interesting thing about her reclass options is that they tend to fix her issues as a Falcon Knight. She has access to Bow-breaker, Axe-breaker, Tome-breaker, Sol and Armsthrift. Moral of the story: She has awesome reclass options.

                       Being a Pegasus Knight in Awakening means that lower movement characters (*cough* My Unit *cough*) can pair up with her and she can get them faster from Point A to Point B. It's also nice that the next few chapters after she joins are ones where her high movement and flight are especially useful. Chapters 8 & 9 are desert levels, chapter 10 has ledges that she can fly over, paralogue 3 has stupid villagers so a powerful, high movement character would be especially appreciated.

                     So to sum it up, Cordelia is great for having low movement units pair up and move from one end of the map to the other, she has great reclass options and she gets better strength and defense than Sumia. Cordelia is a great unit all around and a great way to start off the Top 10 Pegasus Knights list.


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