Monday, July 27, 2015

# 8 - Fee (Genealogy of the Holy War)

                Fee is one of those units that's there, but doesn't really get talked about whenever Holy War gets brought up. It's understandable and I'll go into why that is in a little bit but for now let's focus on Fee's positives. Fee is basically Fury 2.0 in terms of combat. She inherits her mother's Brave Lance which is a big plus for her as it helps to compensate for her low strength. A lot of players tend to give Fury the Brave Lance that Finn gets so I'm going to assume that Fee will inherit the Brave Lance from her mother. Regardless of who her father is she'll do fine kicking butt. Fee will always have Pursuit so she'll always get to double (or if she's using her brave lance quadruple) attack no matter what.

                 Her best fathers are considered to be Levin, Claude and Noish. Levin passes down Adept and Critical while she'll have a 75 % speed growth. Noish gives her Charge and Critical, while her strength growth goes up to 40 % and her defense growth will go up to 50 %. Claude gives her a 35 % resistance growth, which is nearly 3 times as much as her resistance growth will be with most of her other potential fathers and a B rank in staves once she promotes. Levin is usually considered to be the best father for her considering the fact that he gives Fee the best speed and skill she could get while giving her an extra 18 levels of Adept (which is a bigger deal than it sounds because Fee will spend more of the game unpromoted than promoted) and the Critical skill. Levin will also give Fee enough magic to be a good healer which is something that most fathers can't do for her. True, Noish gives her better strength and defense, but her speed and skill will suffer for it.  Also 18 extra levels of Adept is much better than Charge and both fathers give her the critical skill. Claude turns her into a flying staffbot and a resistance tank, but he doesn't pass down any skills for her which will cause her combat to suffer as a result.

Why do Pegasus Knights never wear pants? Are their pegasi allergic to them?

                         As I stated before, Fee can use staves after promotion which gives her healing utility. If Claude is her father she will get a B rank in staves after promotion, which means that she can use physic staves. Fee has perfect availability for a second generation unit so she's got that going for her as well. With Levin as her father her speed and skill are really high which means that she'll be able to quadruple attack the vast majority of all enemies that she will face. Fee also has access to B rank swords with most fathers so she gets partial weapon triangle control and a viable alternative if the Brave Lance weighs her down too much. Since Fee is also a flying unit she can save villages for you and thereby net you cash and rings, which is always a nifty perk. Fee also gets the distinct privilege of being your only flying unit in the second generation until Altenna comes along. Even when Altenna comes along Fee will have already done so much for you that it's clear that Fee is the greater unit between the two.

                        Remember how I mentioned that Fee never really gets brought up or talked about when people mention Holy War? Well there's a reason for that. Fee suffers from what I call "Chrom Syndrome". Back in 2014 when I ranked every Fire Emblem lord in the series I noticed something about Chrom. Chrom is a great unit in his own game, in fact I am still of the opinion that he's one of the best units in his game, but Chrom tended to get overshadowed by several units in his game who were just better. To sum it up: “Chrom's biggest flaw is that he isn't as ridiculous as some of the units you get in this game (I'm looking at you, Avatar and Panne)."


                 So what does that have to do with Fee? Well, Fee's a great unit in her game, but in comparison to her competition her performance tends to look underwhelming by comparison. Let's take a look at who her competition is:

  • Seliph: If I ever got around to revamping my Lords ranking, this guy would be # 2 on the list. Seliph is Mr. "I Inherit Everything and turn the entire second generation into a joke." He is clearly the best second generation unit.

  • Leif: Mr. Master Knight: The Master Knight class has 9 movement, the best caps out of all your mounted units (flying units don't count although Master Knight caps are just awesome all around. See here for more details) and gets access to 99.9 % of every weapon in the game thanks to his awesome weapon ranks. Leif also caps strength, skill, speed and defense on average at maximum level while also having high HP. Leif basically has higher caps / stats than the majority of Tier 2 units in the GBA games and Path of Radiance. (Master Knight Leif has even beaten Ike's Path of Radiance version in a Deadliest Warrior battle. I'm not using this as a gameplay metric, but it does give one a sense of perspective about how awesome this dude is). Also, Leif has access to the Rescue staff which is a staff that Fee can never have. 9 movement + the Rescue staff = hilarious shenanigans that break his game into a thousand tiny pieces.

  •   Ares: Mr. "I have a 30 - 40 % chance of 1 Hit KO'ing 99 % of every enemy unit in my game". Currently ranked # 6 in my Top 20 Cavaliers list, a.k.a. the list with the most intense competition out of all the lists I've done so far Ares also has Adept and Vantage while also having a high enough resistance to deal with the plethora of mages and status staff users that are frequent in the second generation. 

  • Levin!Arthur: Remember this guy? He's ranked # 2 in my Top 10 Greatest Mages list. Arthur joins at the exact same time as Fee and with Levin as his dad, he obliterates everything in his path without getting hit thanks to the almighty Holsety tome.
                ^ See what I mean? When you're in a game full of gods like them you tend to look rather underwhelming by comparison, even if you're an above average unit. To sum it up, Fee is a great unit who fills a niche role in her game. She can fight and heal while not being uber at either of them and she joins your army from the very get-go so she's very useful. That being said, she just doesn't have the impact on her game that the other 7 pegasus knights ranked above her have.

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