Saturday, August 6, 2016

My Fire Emblem 12 Review Part 2 - The Soundtrack

Soundtrack: In my opinion Fire Emblem 12’s soundtrack is a HUGE improvement over the original’s. It improved on all the tracks that were in the original and it added a few tracks of it’s own that I believe are worthy of praise. For example, the first track you hear in the game is a unique to 12 track that in my opinion is pretty good:

                                    Here are a few examples of music that were in the original that I feel like Fire Emblem 12 improved upon:

“Advance” (the Fire Emblem 12 version): 

“Advance” (the Fire Emblem 3 Book 2 version):


“Liberation” (the Fire Emblem 12 version):

“Liberation” (the Fire Emblem 3 Book 2 version):

“Victory is Ours” (the Fire Emblem 3 Book 2 version):

“Victory is Ours” (the Fire Emblem 12 version):

                    Now I imagine that some of you will still say that you like the original’s soundtrack either more or as much and that’s fine, but again I still think that 12’s soundtrack was a huge improvement upon the original’s. If I had to pick a favorite track of Fire Emblem 12’s it would be this:

        ^ AH HECK YEAH! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! Seriously this music gets me pumped up and ready for a fight. It’s gotta be my favorite generic boss theme of the series and it’s epic as all heck. I can listen to that boss battle theme all day long and it would never get old.

              Overall Summation: This game has a criminally underrated soundtrack that’s awesome! I love it and I think it deserves more praise and attention than it gets. I just can’t listen to the original’s soundtrack when this one exists and does it better.

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