Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Part 3 - The Finale

                          Another major aspect of this game is the Pursuit Critical Coefficient. Every character in this game has a hidden critical modifier ranging from 0 - 5. If a character lands a second attack (if you’re using a Brave Weapon it would be the third attack) their critical hit rate multiplies by that modifier. This means that critical hits are extremely easy to pull off. Thracia 776 is the most crit friendly game in Fire Emblem history and I never get bored of seeing all the wonderful crits I can pull off in this game.   

                         Another major bonus for this game is its god tier map design. Fire Emblem 12 may still get my vote for “Best Map Design in the Series” but Thracia 776 is not far behind. This game has some well constructed maps that require thought and effort on the player’s part. This game also, in my opinion, has the best first level in the series. I agree with dondon151 that most of the beginning maps in the series “tend to treat the player like an idiot”. It may work for newcomers but for “grizzled” veterans like me it’s a little off putting and it hurts the replayability value of the game because you have to replay dreadful maps like that all over again. Thracia 776 doesn’t have this problem. The beginning map is still well designed while being easy enough for most noobs to be able to play it without getting wrecked. The final map of this game also works really well. Most Fire Emblem games don’t have well constructed endgame maps either, which once again is a problem that Thracia 776 deftly avoids. In fact, Fire Emblem 7’s map design is a borderline copycat of this game’s map (I personally think Thracia’s endgame map is better).

                             Thracia also decided to bring back the “stat boosting items” concept that originated in Fire Emblem 3 Book 2. Instead of Star Spheres you have crusader scrolls, but they serve the same function. I like stuff like that so I’m cool with it. Thracia is also the first game to have skill scrolls (ie items that can teach you Wrath or Paragon). I’m also a big fan of this and the fact that the game limits the number of these running around is even bigger treat. This also invented “Paragon Mode” where all experience gains are doubled and units that already have Paragon gets 4 times as much experience! That is freaking awesome and I want to see this return in future installments.

                   One last tidbit about how well this game plays out has to do with its stealing mechanic. I love the fact that you can steal a mage’s tomes and effectively neuter them. If you manage to get your thieves constitution higher (bytheway constitution has a growth rate in this game and that’s awesome) you can steal more items from stronger enemies. That never gets old and I wish newer games would do stuff like this as well.

                               I don’t have very many complaints about this game’s gameplay but they do, unfortunately exist:

  1. How well the player does in this game is dependent on how well they understand the game’s mechanics. If you know about them you’ll probably end up breaking the game. If you try playing this game blind it will wreck you hard. The game doesn’t inform the player of stuff like this either so you have to rely on a strategy guide in order to do well in this game.  This is why some people think this game is so difficult while other people like me think that this game can be easy. Personally I consider Fire Emblem 12 and Conquest to be significantly more difficult than Thracia 776.

2. This game is also too RNG reliant for my taste. Staves are capable of missing and there’s not much the player can do about that. This game also has a 1 RN system so you’re more likely to miss as well. 

                       Speaking of staves, the reason why Thracia has the nickname of “Staff Emblem” is because staves are OP in this game. In fact staff utility has never been more valuable before or after this game. Any staff with a range (with the exception of the Torch staff) has infinite range. That includes Physic, Warp, Rescue, Fortify and status staves. The effect of status staves lasts forever too which means that if Leif gets hit with a sleep staff and you don’t have Restore the game has just become unwinnable. That’s not good design. This has never happened to me since I always come equipped with Restore staves but I can see some newcomer get blindsided and rage quitting because of that.                                  

3. This game also invented Fog of War. It handles Fog of War better than other games, but it’s still Fog of War.

                           Final Thoughts about the Game: I love Thracia 776. It’s a really fun game. It has great mechanics, great map design and it’s got that “old-timey” charm to it that keeps me coming back. This is a game I can play over and over again without getting bored. If you haven’t played this game yet you are doing yourself a major disservice. Go play this game! Go play this game now!


  1. Currently playing Thracia 776, and right now I can say it is one of the most Satisfying yet simultaneously frustrating experiences ever. I think this game has the potential to become one of my favorites. I just love the fact that your team feels like a group of Bandits and misfits fighting against what equates to the Galactic Empire from LOGH. I also love so many of the mechanics this game introduced, like capturing which is fun as hell, and Movement having a growth stat XD

    1. Also the game you are making, is it a hack?

    2. No. It's going to be a fully fledged game. I'm either selling the ideas to Nintendo or making the game myself.

  2. I got a bit triggered when I read you saying that Conquest is harder than Thracia! :D

    Otherwise I really like this game. Its difficulty creates a very powerful sense of atmosphere that I don't think any other Fire Emblem game matches - closest would come Genealogy with its giant maps to give a sense of being in an actual war.

    1. well it is really easy to cheese the game with warp abuse, whereas with conquest there weren't many maps that you could abuse other than the stupid wind map. Also with Thracia, much of the difficulty comes from the game not revealing to you how to effectively make use of it's various mechanics such as Rescuing, Capturing, etc. Though the game is still quite difficult even if you know what you are doing, the game is only difficult on blind playthroughs

      I love the atmosphere of the game as well, it makes you feel like you are running an under-funded rebellion group and that you resort to dirty and annoying tactics such as running away and holding enemies captive.

    2. Well this is my # 3 game so I love Thracia too Ronaldo! :D
