Cain and Abel: The original Christmas Cavalier duo. Cain & Abel, like Hardin, are basically at their best in Fire Emblem 1 so this is the version I'm going to go with. According to Ronaldo Villanueva:
“They are very good. Defensively they start as durable as Marth, so their start is not crap, and their damage output is good as well. They become some of the best combat units in your team. Kain is probably the better out of the two since he requires a str proc to start ORKOing unlike Abel, who needs two.”
No matter which game they're in they'll always have 9 movement which is always awesome. In FE 1 their availability is perfect for their game so they'll always be around to wreck things. I'm aware that their availability is just as awesome in Shadow Dragon but here's the major difference: The enemies in Shadow Dragon are actually pretty good (depending on which difficulty we're talking about) whereas in FE 1 they're not, so as a result Cain and Abel do better in FE 1 than they do in Shadow Dragon. It also helps that Caeda isn't a Wing Spear wielding wrecking ball of death in FE 1 and is instead just very good. Cain and Abel also don't have as much competition either (it's mostly just Marth and Jeigan that they have to compete with).
Fire Emblem 1 also affords Cain and Abel a couple of extra benefits that they don't get in Shadow Dragon. For starters, when they promote they are no longer weak to horse slaying weapons (I also brought this up when talking about the FE 1 version of Hardin). The other benefit, according to Fire Emblem Wiki, is that " promotion gains
consist on giving the character as many points as necessary -the "x"
value shown in the table- to reach the promoted class' base stats. If
the character's stats are higher than their promoted class' base stats,
they will not receive any bonus." (Source: http://www.fireemblemwiki.org/Cain)
Class | HP | Str | Skill | Spd | Def | Res | Move | Weapon level |
Paladin | +x to 22 | +x to 8 | +x to 7 | +x to 11 | +x to 9 | -- | +1 | +x to 10 |
So your Cain and Abel got RNG screwed? Well no problem, the promotion mechanics in Fire Emblem 1 will increase their stats for you. They don't get to take advantage of partial weapon triangle control but they'll still get the job done.
The only reason why they're not higher up on this list is because all of the higher ranked characters have a much bigger impact on their games than these guys do. Sure Cain and Abel are some of your best units in FE 1 but they share top tier with Marth, Jeigan, Hardin and several other units. That being said Cain and Abel are definitely some of the best units in Fire Emblem 1 and it would be unwise to not use them.
Since when is Jeigan good in FE1? He has barely better bases than the rest of your starting team and has probably the worst growth rates in the series, with an abysmal 10% in Str/Skill/Speed/HP and 0% everything else, so he's not even a good crutch character. :/
ReplyDeleteEnemy ATK values are low enough, so Jeigan can still do a few things before he ultimately drops off because of Medea at the very least.