Monday, March 11, 2024

Top 10 Most Busted Mechanics: Movement Refreshing Shenanigans (# 3)


# 3 - Movement Refreshing Shenanigans
Want to make your game easier to beat? Create a way for the player to make one or more units be able to move again. Dancers first debuted in Fire Emblem 3 Book 2, and ever since then they've made a huge impact on their respective games. If you want to beat the game quickly, you're going to make effective use of them. 

Then Holy War came around and gave dancers the ability to refresh the movement of up to four different units at once. The amount of strategies that opens up is insane! 

That being said, dancers aren't really enough to make it this high up the list. That's why this entry is titled "Movement Refreshing Shenanigans". This entry encompasses all the other additional ways in which one or more units can move again. This includes stuff like:

Galeforce - A skill where a Dark Flier in Awakening will be able to move again after killing an enemy. Keep in mind, Dark Fliers are an eight movement flier class that have access to tomes. They can easily kill enemies, which means that they can move a very long distance and kill two enemies per turn. Keep in mind that this skill exists in a game where dancers also exist. 

Dance of the Goddess / Goddess Dance: A gambit / emblem where you can refresh 4 adjacent units. Keep in mind that this exists in a game where there's also a dancer. Scylla pointed out that one unit can "move 4 times in one turn". Super busted.

Raging Storm (Three Houses): "Effective against Dragon foes; If attack lands, user can move again." 

Unlike Galeforce, Edelgard doesn't even have to land a kill and she'll still get to move again. Make Edelgard a Wyvern and she'll be able to break the game efficiently. It's also possible to use this up to 5 times. It's true that this reduces the use out of Amyr, but weapons can be repaired in Three Houses, so the reduction in uses doesn't really hold Edelgard back.

The Anew Staff (Fire Emblem 3 Book 2): This version of the Anew staff refreshes the movement of all allies on the battlefield. You read that right: ALL ALLIES ON THE MAP! Sure, it has 3 uses and can't be repaired by the Hammerene, but.....there's still a lot of crazy stuff you can do when you're capable of refreshing everybody on the map, including the dancer. That's more units getting refreshed than all the other options!  There's a reason why FE 12 and Echoes had to nerf this. 

In conclusion, there are a lot of broken tools and abilities to refresh movement in this series! In the hands of the right player, they can utterly trivialize entire chapters.

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