Well it all started when Wallace offered a simple Knight Crest. Little did he know that he was offering our Christmas Cavalier duo the road to greatness. On a more serious note Sain and Kent are this high up primarily due to Lyn mode. Sain and Kent will be your best units in Lyn mode (it's not like they've got actual competition here lol) and I have to say that having about 11 chapters of free training before the real quest even begins is a huge benefit. All the player has to do is get Sain and Kent to a reasonable level above 10, hand them the Knight Crest and then BAM! you've got an early-game mini-Marcus.
Dondon151 and Mekkah have already provided the numbers on a silver platter which is great because I'm too lazy to provide the calculations myself. Mekkah shows us how dominant Sainadain (or Supersain) is:
"How dominant are they? Well, using Sain as an example, at L12 he will have 28 HP, 14-15 Str, 8 Skl, 10-11 Spd, 8 Def.
Promotion will make that 30 HP, 15-16 Str, 9 Skl, 11-12 Spd, and 10 Def.
L6 Archer w/ Steel Bow: 17 Atk, 25 HP, 4 Def, 4 AS. Even with an Iron Sword, Sain will ORKO, and in the meantime he gets 5HKO'd back.
L5 Merc w/ Steel Sword: 16 Atk, 25 HP, 5 Def, 10 AS. Sain doesn't double, but with WTA he is getting 6HKO'd in return.
L5 Mage w/ Thunder: 14 Atk, 21 HP, 4 Def, 7 AS. Sain nearly OHKOs this with an Iron Axe and does so with Steel...not that he needs to, since he doubles. He does get 3HKO'd back but w/e.
There's some more jokes, like enemies with Iron Swords and Slim Lances. These do joke damage, like 2-3 dmg to his 30 HP. Sain doesn't even notice them."
(Source: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&page=11#entry1800181)
Usually Sain is the one that gets the Knight Crest in Lyn mode due to the fact that he's usually considered better than Kent. The reason for this being that Sain and Kent are usually pretty close to each other in terms of stats. However, Sain has the offensive edge over Kent and once Sain's speed is high enough to double attack consistently he'll be dishing out the KO's easier than Kent. Dondon151 provides some additional explanation when he says:
"Sain's offensive ability comes from his high atk. 8 base str is above average, and 60% str growth is tied for the highest in the game.
Sain's str truly begins to shine later in the game, when his spd is also high enough to permit him to double consistently. While 16/4 Kent has trouble 2HKOing chapter 26 WKs, 16/4 Sain has no such problem, averaging 28.8 atk with an Iron Axe after WTA against 32 HP, 12 def. He'll also have 14.2 AS, enough to double even the higher end 10 AS Iron Lance WKs"
(Source: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23766&page=4)
Their durability is about the same too (see the above link for a more detailed analysis). Also, these guys get the GBA paladin treatment which means that they have access to partial weapon triangle control before promotion and complete weapon triangle control after promotion.
If this were Sword of Seals Kent would probably be considered the better one, but it's Blazing Sword, which is not only significantly easier but is also the game where enemies have crap for attack speed which means that having higher strength is more desirable.

According to Mekkah, Sain's growths are higher than the enemy's so Sain will become stronger than the HHM enemies. If you don't give them the Knight Crest in Lyn's mode they'll be one of the best units in the game, but they won't be anywhere near as high on this list as they are now. Both of these characters MUST be used in Blazing Sword if you want to beat the game within a reasonable time-frame.
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